ELOTE IS A DELICIOUS MEXICAN DISH: grilled corn accompanied by subtle accent flavors. This easy-to-eat, fun-to-make rendition offers multiple choices and begs you to trust your own great taste
- corn holders
- knife
- cutting board
- spatula
- bowl
- spice blend
- information cards
- refrigerator magnet
SPEND $75 NOW to order your Chez Bones Box. Get ready to have more fun with food!
EAT HAPPY! Elote Nosh
- Elote (eh-LOW-tay) is Spanish for "yummy grilled street corn sprinkled with crumbly cheesey goodness"
- Nosh is British for a light meal (n) or to nibble (v). Usually indicates a tasty dish worthy of a Patriots-versus-Rams Superbowl game.